Most children in our experience will want to know you as a real person- rather than a number on a catalogue- as early as possible. They want to know that you chose their parent/s – and have an interest in what happens post conception- even just to know they are going to be loved and well cared for. They want to know 'real' things about you- and the following list has been created based on what the children I have worked with, would like to know about their donor dad. It doesn't mean they will want to meet you- but they will, more likely than not, want to know of you. This information is invaluable growing up- especially when other children start asking questions. Even taking the time to write it shows the child you cared enough- and will mean the world to them.
The Child Listener™ is working with other professionals to create books, pamphlets and workshops to help parents of sperm donor conceived children transition from the early years through to adulthood with a positive self-image linked with knowledge of their biological origins. In part this means knowing of their biological identity. This questionnaire shows them parts of you- and you will be a part of them forever, regardless of whether you are involved post conception or not.
Use these questions as a starting point- answer as simply or fully as you wish- change the questions if you wish- and add more. You can do this without giving information that would lead to you being traced- if this is a concern to you.
Ask yourself- if I didn't know anything about my biological father- what would I have wanted to know.
If possible, please type the answers to the questions- and handwrite the personal message at the end, and end it with your name (in your handwriting).
If you do have a photo – even if it is you as a child- and don't mind adding it- that would be wonderful. Children also love to see pics of your pets etc.
Thank you so much for the gift of life- and for taking the time to help these families and children even after conception. This information is invaluable to so many.
The Donor Dad Questionnaire can be found here
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask
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